The Macedonian Literary Association "Koco Racin" book promotion a great success 
Last Saturday I had the pleasure of being invited To a three book promotion Held at the Mill Park Library.
The authors must be congratulated for their good work and talent in putting together these literary novels depicting the lives,struggles,hardship,wars and family.
Nove Mladenovski's book "Krushi Gornici" is the real life story of his family.
Gordana Dimovska's "Patnik Po Zvezdenoto Makedonsko Nebo"is a combination of short stories and poetry.
Lubica Popova contribution is a book of poetry that depicts family the members and the love of them.
The youngest contributor was Daniel Dimovski that read his short drama The Two Tears.
The other presenters and and readers were Sonia Stojanovski,as main speaker,Mary Boneva,Christana Markovska,Gordana Dimovska as President of the Association,Krste Naumoski-Meckar.
The special Guests included the Macedonian Consul General Mrs Betty Korunoski,Cr Mary Lallios and interstate representative from Queanbeyan Mr Naum Trajceski (president of Macedonian Literary Association-Library "Vanco Nikoleski").

As it was the Patron Saints Day of the Great Brothers contributors of the Cyrrilic Alphabet during the Week I was asked to read a short history on the lives of The Saints Kiril and Methodi.
I really believe that the Association is performing a very important role in encouraging Macedonian to tell there story or family history.
I wish them the best for the future,keep up the Good work.
Vangel Paterov
Macedonian timeline
