Македонското младинско Културно Уметничко Друштво “Никола Каревотвора нова играорна група за деца кои сакаат да го изучуваат македонскиот фолклор. Со новата група ќе се започне во вторник на 9-ти август и среда на 10 – ти август. Пробите ќе се одржуваат во Parkwood Green Community Centre  на  88 Catherine dve, во  Hillside. За повеќе информации, сите заинтересирани да се јават кај претседателот на друштвото Аце Петровски на мобилен 0417128641 или Мери на мобилен 0407100907.
Со почит:
Од управата на ММД “Никола Карев“

About AMYA (Australian Macedonian Youth Association “Nikola Karev”)
Macedonia is a country known for its rich history, natural beauty but also the Macedonian folklore that is passed from generation to generation. Macedonian songs and dances are prevalent on all continents where Macedonians live.

There are many artistic cultural associations established in the Diaspora just to preserve this folk treasure. One of them is the Australian Macedonian Youth Association “Nikola Karev”,  in Melbourne formed on the 12-th of December 1977 in Yarraville in order to meet the needs of young people who were eager to learn the Macedonian folklore, song and dance.

They began with 30 members and with great effort and enthusiasm, and that figure reached 200 dancers. Always professional in his interpretations of traditional Macedonian dances and folk songs, they are definitely favourites among audiences wherever they appear. Some of the great achievements are the participation on the biggest Moomba parade in Australia, which is followed by hundreds of thousands people and they are amazed by the Macedonian traditional costumes, and beautiful dance.

Besides preserving folklore, they established excellent cooperation with famous music groups, singers and organizing concerts in Australia. AMYA has received many awards for it’s mission in Australia. One of them is the Gold award for successful presentation of Macedonian folklore by the House of Immigrants (R. Macedonia) and the Macedonian national ensemble 'Tanec'.
Special credit for many years at the top and successful promotion of folklore in Australia has a president and choreographer of AMYA, Ace Petrovski who leads the dancers through the secrets of the beautiful Macedonian folklore and gives a new dimension of what  Macedonian history and customs means. As a result of his many years of work, dedication and love for Macedonia, he created his own dance, named Alexander’s dance (Александрово оро) which presents the time of the greatest leader, Alexander The Great and his phalanx.
The Committee of management says: To name our artistic dancing group by the first Macedonian President of  Krusevo Republic (1903), Nikola Karev, is not only an honour but also a great responsibility. Dancing group toured in Macedonia  in 1982, 1986, 1994, 2003 and have a wonderful impressions from there. AMYA is great Ambassador of Macedonian culture through music and dance in Australia.
Gordana Dimovska
