Книгата Патник по ѕвезденото македонско небо која е
збир од раскази, песни, научно историски записи и легенди, Гордана ја претстави
пред публиката со свој говор и читање на поемата Memories and tears на
англиски јазик.

Gordana's speech:
These stories are near to my heart and it is my honour to share them with you. They may only be a few pages long each but they say a picture tells a thousand words. Well, a page can show you an entire lifetime.
I hope you all will find some appreciation of my work. Congratulations to all authors today and thank you all for coming today to celebrate our literary work. Please enjoy the day.
Thank you
Gordana Dimovska
There are 7.5 billion people on our planet. Each one
has a story; and with each conversation we take on somebody else’s story.
We gather information, over time we gather more and over time it becomes a part of our character; it becomes a part of our story.
Today I would like the privilege of sharing my stories, poems, legends, historical records, with you. Everything I’ve learned in my life and all the tales I’ve been told have culminated in this series of short stories.
They are not Hollywood stories, they do not come from exotic destinations featuring famous people. They come from a place of little recognition, but a rich history, bigger then the land itself, my home; Macedonia.
Not many stories come from my home country and not many people have the opportunity to share their part, but I do and getting to share this is an immense gratification for me which I hope you will feel when reading.
It’s the gratification you feel from hearing a story from a friend. Something real, something true! Whether the story is humorous or sad or violent it’s the experience behind it that connects you to the author and gives you that gratification. So when you finish the final page and close the book you can breathe a sigh of satisfaction and know that you’re richer and wiser for reading it.
I hope to share these stories with you and create a connection. You will read about a woman who struggles with leaving her life behind to find a new home, you will read about a beloved small-town school that had to close, you will read about a man who witnessed the abduction of a young girl and had opportunity to tell it in the right time and right place.
Most importantly you will read into the knowledge I have collected over my years and I hope that you can create the connection to these stories as I have.
We gather information, over time we gather more and over time it becomes a part of our character; it becomes a part of our story.
Today I would like the privilege of sharing my stories, poems, legends, historical records, with you. Everything I’ve learned in my life and all the tales I’ve been told have culminated in this series of short stories.
They are not Hollywood stories, they do not come from exotic destinations featuring famous people. They come from a place of little recognition, but a rich history, bigger then the land itself, my home; Macedonia.
Not many stories come from my home country and not many people have the opportunity to share their part, but I do and getting to share this is an immense gratification for me which I hope you will feel when reading.
It’s the gratification you feel from hearing a story from a friend. Something real, something true! Whether the story is humorous or sad or violent it’s the experience behind it that connects you to the author and gives you that gratification. So when you finish the final page and close the book you can breathe a sigh of satisfaction and know that you’re richer and wiser for reading it.
I hope to share these stories with you and create a connection. You will read about a woman who struggles with leaving her life behind to find a new home, you will read about a beloved small-town school that had to close, you will read about a man who witnessed the abduction of a young girl and had opportunity to tell it in the right time and right place.
Most importantly you will read into the knowledge I have collected over my years and I hope that you can create the connection to these stories as I have.
These stories are near to my heart and it is my honour to share them with you. They may only be a few pages long each but they say a picture tells a thousand words. Well, a page can show you an entire lifetime.
I hope you all will find some appreciation of my work. Congratulations to all authors today and thank you all for coming today to celebrate our literary work. Please enjoy the day.
Thank you
Gordana Dimovska
Macedonian timeline
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