Where everyone included
Everyone wins, we are all part of the story
Part of this young extraordinary nation formed in 1901. 
Since then, hundreds of different nations settled peacefully
Bringing their own cultures, languages
contributed in writing new success stories,
embraced multicultural lifestyle.

Respect the Indigenous Australians
Who have been on the land since the beginning 60 000 years ago,
It’s a day to reflect on history, respect the stories of others.
It’s a day to celebrate achievements, the beautiful nation, its people.
Today is the day when we reflect on what it means to be an Australian.
Australia is the most unique success multicultural story
Mosaic of different people, beliefs, hopes, dreams.
Wide horizon with many opportunities to grow and thrive.
 everyone should follow.
It is a beautiful endless peaceful sea of “us” and “we”.
We need to remember to be kind, loving, appreciative of diversity
Work in safe workplace where differences are well accepted
Find a way to walk through this world together
Celebrate what’s common and different 
Celebrate uniqueness of who we are 
Proud of where we have come from
Proud of our national heritage 
Proud to be Australian.
Happy Australia Day
Gordana Dimovska

Macedonian timeline
