Австралискиот печат отсекогаш пишувал за Македонија
За тоа дека македонските историски настани не останале незабележани од светските медиуми, говори и податокот за голем број објавени вести од австралиските весници. Тие објавувале се што се случува на ова парче на Балканот а најинтересно е тоа што, се пишува името Македонија. Истражувањето е направено од сопственикот на блогот I Macedonian и изобилува со извадоци од весниците Сиднеј хералд, Меркури,Вестерн маил – Перт,. Читајќи ги денес овие информации се воочува дека Австралија не признала под името Македонија уште во 1860 година. Се надеваме дека со натамошни лобирања, зацврстувања на пријателските и дипломатски односи, ќе ја укине понижувачката референца БЈРМ против која Maкедонците во Викторија излегоа на протести во 2008 година.
Македонија, Македонски, Македонци ЗАСЕКОГАШ
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. 1860-1954) Friday 26 July MACEDONIA. An engagement has taken place between 20,000 men of the Turkish Third Army Corps and a strong band of insurgents at Uskub- (Skopje), in Macedonia. The rebels were defeated,13 being killed and many wounded.
The Argus (
Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1956) Friday 18 September 1903 From Uskub (Uskub - the old name of Skopje the capital of todays Republic of Macedonia), in Macedonia, news has been received that an insurgent band of 450 men has been annihilated by the Turks near Ishtip (Ishtip - the old name of Shtip,
city in eastern part of todays Republic of Macedonia), 41 miles south-east of Uskub.THE BIBLE IN MACEDONIA.
LONDON, Monday.The sale of the British, and Foreign Bible Society's Bibles in the streets of Uskub (Uskub - the old name of Skopjе), in Macedonia, has been stopped by the Turkish authorities, on the ground that, on account of the low prices charged, their sale amounts to a propaganda. The British Embassy, however, insists on the continuance of the sale.
Cairns Morning Post (Qld.1907 - 1909) Monday 27 July 1908TURKEY AND MACEDONIA
Niazi pasha, with 1000 followers, entered Monaster (Monastir - the old name of Bitola, Macedonia) and abducted Osman Feizi Pasha, the new commander of the Vilayet, without bloodshed.The entire garrison at Uskub (Uskub - the old name of Skopje the capital of todays Republic of Macedonia) (Macedonia) have mutined.Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954) Saturday 24 August 1912 (page 23). Christians massacred at Kochana (Kochani - city in the eastern part of todays Republic of Macedonia), Macedonia; 140 victims. The town of Uskub (Uskub - in Macedonia, captured and pillaged.
The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933) Wednesday 13 November 1912BATTLE OF PRILEP....LONDON, Tuesday. The correspondent ot the London "Daily Telegrapn at Uskub (Uskub - the old name of Skopje),has furnishad detais of the battle of Prilep, in Macedonia, which was fought in a defile on the highway between Kuprili and Monastir. Owing to the difficult nature of the pass resembles the..
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wednesday 5 September 1917MACEDONIA. A German official message issued on Monday afternoon stated: We repulsed the French north-west of Monaslir (Bitola, city in todays Republic of Macedonia).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Tuesday 9 October 1917 MACEDONIA. A French communique states: Artillery, is active on the Vardar front, north of Monastir (Monastir - the old name of Bitola, city in todays Republic of Macedonia), and in the region of the lakes.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Friday 12 October 1917MACEDONIA. A German offiall message on Wednesday stated: The Bulgarians repulsed the English south-west of Lake Doiran (Dojran- city in todays Republic of Macedonia).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Monday 15 October 1917 MACEDONIA. A German official message on Thursday states: Most Intense artillery fire prevails In the region of Monastir (Monastir - the old name of Bitola, city in todays Republic of Macedonia) and the Basin of the Cerna Bend.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wednesday 24 October 1917 MACEDONIA. A French eastern communique states: Our artillery is continuing a destructive bombardment of enemy positions in the regions of Dojran and the Vardar, and north of Monastir (Monastir - the old name of Bitola). In the course of operations clearing up the ground in the vicinity of our new positions north-west of Pogradec, we took prisoner 50 Austrians.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Saturday 17 November 1917MACEDONIA. A German official message Issued on Thursday morning says: The French evacuated hill positions west of Lake Ochrlda (Ohrid )
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Thursday 25 April 1918 MACEDONIA, A communique regarding the Macedonian campaign states: There Is French infantry and artillery activity along the whole front. Artillery stopped an attempted enemy attack of positions west of Lake Prespa (Prespa - region and lake in todays Republic of Macedonia).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Thursday 23 May 1918 MACEDONIA. A French communique regarding the operations on the Eastern front states: Enemy artillery violently bombarded the British trenches cast of Lake Doiran (city in todays Republic of Macedonia) and our positions north-west of Pogradec.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Tuesday 24 September 1918MACEDONIA.The Servians have cut the railway between Uskub (Uskub - and Salonica.The Servian advance at Kavadar (Kavadarci )represents an advance of 40 miles from the startig line, and threatens to take in the rear the Important Babuna Pass (Babuna mountain, north of Prllep) , and the main communications of the western section of the enemy line. The success at Negotin threatens the supplies of the force east of the Vardar (Vardar - river in todays Republic of Macedonia).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Friday 31 May 1918 MACEDONIA. A French communique states: There is great artillery activity along the whole front, between Lake Dojran and Monastir (Bitola ), particularly in the regions of Makukovo and Vacovo.