S. Mladenovski - My work in the field of pop music did not take place exclusively in that field, that is, very often I was organizing concerts, managing clubs and discos, so that I connected my country with our neighbors through entertainment and culture. At the same time I ran some of my own cafes, of course with co-workers, but in terms of the time I worked compared to what we live today I can say that it was a nice and peaceful time where quality was valued, today there is more quantity which does not guide us but it’s really unfortunate and absurd. In terms of work and professional cooperation, I am especially fond of those with Belgrade, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik ... yet it was a peaceful time where everyone wherever they were felt safe, regardless of the social disadvantages that are inevitable, regardless of what time we are talking about.
Macedonian timeline - What are the experiences and
cooperation with the Macedonian televisions, do you help them through this
powerful medium to open new paths and to motivate someone else?
S. Mladenovski - With the experience I gained, which was
really at an enviable level, I continued to work for many of our private televisions
that no longer exist, and the most famous were Kanal 4, A1, Alfa, AB Kanal,
Sitel, etc. Today, as a producer, I am generally focused on the TV project
"Faces and Works" as part of TV Sonce team which project has exists
for ten years, and its editor and host is Meri Todorova Mladenovska who has ie
Master of Macedonian Studies and communicology. Our cooperation with TV Sonce
is excellent and it would not be fair if I do not mention our esteemed
colleagues who are equally responsible for the quality and rating of
"Faces and Works" - Vladimir Spasic - Director, Igor Mickoski, Baze
Angelovski - camera, editing, realization ; Vlado, Srѓаan, Dalibor, Dejan,
Marko, Caci, Zorica, etc., and I express special gratitude to the great
Macedonian - Gjorgjija George Atanasoski who enabled us all, that is, gave us
space to express our talents and qualities, but also an opportunity for free
expression and space for creativity that certainly goes not only in our favor
as a team, but also in favor of all Macedonians. From the huge number of
editions of "Faces and Works" I would mention the editions with Vanja
Lazarova, Esma Redzepova, Garo Tavitjan, Diran Tavitjan, Garabet Tavitjan -
senior, Vlatko Stefanovski - Bread and Salt, Vera Milosovska - Ljubojna,
Synthesis, Na Suzana Spasovska, Krsto Jovanovski, Goran Ilic, Cvetin, so we
always put emphasis on exclusivity and quality, and give the opportunity and
space to promote many young promising enthusiasts in virtually all fields of culture
and art
Macedonian timeline - Surely in your career you have
received recognitions and awards for your production works? Can you tell us
something about that?
S. Mladenovski - So far and as a show and personally we have
received many awards and diplomas for our work and cooperation by many
organizations and events. Here, as a good start to 2020. I can also mention my
work on documentaries, of which "Longing" was awarded at many
documentary film festivals around the world - in Belgrade it won second place
out of 850 films, in Brazil, Brazil, 2nd place out of a total of 4000
documentaries etc., our agent is Dejan Raicevic from Belgrade.
Macedonian timeline - What are your experiences in the field
of music in Macedonia?
S. Mladenovski In the field of music I am especially glad to
mention the managerial role in the music
career of my wife Meri Todorova Mladenovska and her first album
"Lights" , also the
newly formed rock band "Akarma", the members of this band - Dalibor,
Marko, Dragan and Meri are great musicians who know their job very well and are
already actively working on two new songs that will soon be presented on the
music scene.
Macedonian timeline - Although it is a difficult situation because
of KOVID - 19, do you have any plans at the moment?
S. Mladenovski - At the moment, we work on a new documentary
, although like everyone else, we as a team are facing the consequences of the
pandemic with KOVID - 19, but we hope that life will soon be put on the right
track and everything will start functioning wel.
Macedonian timeline - What is your success that you will
tell us about with joy and pride? -
S. Mladenovski - Finally, I would like to mention the international
poetic manifestation "Unite Macedonia" which was a huge success,
especially important because it was organized for the first time this year, and
besides me the main culprits for this event which was organized and held in
honor of Our great holiday Ilinden were: Branko Nikolovski - famous songwriter,
Sonja Manasievska Koneska - poet and artist, Meri Todorova Mladenovska - Master
of Macedonian Studies in Communication and prof. Dr. Zlatko Timkovski, who is
from Los Angeles, and at the same time, in addition to the organization, we
were a jury of this poetry event. The event turned out great and here I would like
to mention some of the awarded participants: Marija Alexandrova - Grand Prix,
Krste Naumovski - Mechkar - first place, Gordana Dimovska - second place and “most
patriotic poem”, Svetlana - third place, Ivan Trposki - most lyrical, Meri -
most fertile, Klechakoska - Ilinden poem, Naum Paunovski and Naum
Trajcevski - all from the diaspora; Rozita Hristovska - Grand Prix, Nade -
first place, Anetka Trajkova - third place, Slavko and many others from
Macedonia. In the youth category: Matej Spasovski - Grand Prix, Ivona
Mladenovska - first place, Iva Spasovska - second place, Lara Krstevska - third
place and others.
Macedonian timeline - What are your plans for the future?
S. Mladenovski - Regarding the future, we have many work
commitments with "Faces and Works", more documentaries and many
projects in the field of art and culture.
Macedonian timeline is more than happy to follow the
successes and works of Macedonian artists in all fields. We were honored and
pleased to discover more about your beginnings, career, successes, awards and
future plans. The audience will follow your steps with admiration and Macedonia
will be proud that you promote her everywhere in the world. Thanks for the time
Sime Mladenovski and continue on the path you have set. We are sure that in
this profession your unhidden longings for new discoveries, documentaries emerge
followed by awards. Good luck

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