M.T - Who is Juan Viedma Martínez? 

Juan Viedma Martinez has a strong interest in writing about Macedonia and macedonian history, He often posts his articles on Linked in and other social media.

He is a lawyer specialising in public international law, although throughout his professional career he has also worked in criminal and penitentiary law and matters related to commercial and business law.

After obtaining a diploma in French Language and Literature in 1967, he studied and obtained a degree in Spanish Language and Literature at the Universitá SEK. In 1977 the author obtained his law degree with a specialisation in international law at the University of Deusto. In the same year he obtained a Master's degree in Business Administration and English as a second language at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, as well as a doctorate in Law and a doctorate in Economics.

His studies and personal concerns led him throughout his life to travel across the five continents, living and working in some of them, and becoming interested in the human rights of the countries he visited. It was during these trips that she developed an admiration and interest in Africa (she lived in Ethiopia from 2012 to 2016) and Macedonia, a country that holds a special place in her heart due to its culture and history of identity struggles and abuses.

M.T - What motivated you to start reaerching and posting articles, videos about Macedonia?

J.V.M - The usurpation of history, name and origin of Macedonia since millennia and as the ancient Macedonia Empire, never Greek. At that time Greece didn't exist

 M.T - What is your message to people

 J.V.M - To gain their rights as a country and as Macedonian

M.T -  Have you ever been there?

J.V.M - No, never

M.T – What do you think of the name change?? Macedonians in Australia are strongly against it.

J.V.M - You're right in your comment. Macedonia needs to recuperate its real and legal name, without it, the battles are lost and the neighbours will do everything to break Macedonia and its true history. The government is doing absolutely nothing

 M.T - Thank you for your time Juan, Hope one day you we will get the name back so our pride and dignity. 

Macedonian Timeline Australia


  1. I am from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and Juan Viedma Martinez is a wonderful historian who is more engaged in Ancient world History and has an intelligent and brilliant ways of presenting Ancient World Histories that the new generation must know. I really Admire his ways of illustrations and descriptions about Macedonians. He is also engaged in reveling the facts about his country Macedonia and as well recently he is also presenting ancient culture and history about Ethiopia. I wish him the best in his career and his life.


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