University of Macedonian Language "Krste Misirkov" in Skopje held the Award event. This was something new introduced for the first time since it was established 70 years ago. There were numerous media present and many journalists. The producer Sime Mladenovski and TV Sun received three major awards. Sime said: "This means a lot to us and we are especially proud of them. affirming the Macedonian language and culture around the world. We also received recognition from TV Sonce among the first television viewers, and the producer and editor of "Faces and Deeds TV Sonce" received recognition for the most successful producers."

 Sitel TV, Thelma TV, Alfa TV, Mrtv and many others, also received awards.  The following jouralists were awarded: producer and editor Sime Mladenovski, Snezhana Lupevska Sozen, Borjan Jovanovski, Lenche Smilevska and many others. Sime said: "We were very glad that we made 14 shows, in the institute and other way we helped to reconstruct a part of the institute with new windows, doors, laptops also we contribute to the affirmation of the Macedonian language which is a great tresure for Macedonian people. The deeds are always reconginsed and stay remembered forever.

With all our respect and gratitude, we appeal to all Macedonians all over the world, to respect, unite and help eachother and work under the slogan Only the sun is older than Macedonia. Ee need to show everyone that we are the oldest civilization in the world.

Congratulations to all award recepients from and best wishes for the Institute to continue the mission of preservening and afirming Macedonian language.

Macedonian Timeline Australia
